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About us: Intro

Hours, mission, basic contact, location, etc.

Contact the Library

Mailing Address:
    5364 College Drive
    Rhinelander, WI 54501

Who We Are


The Richard J. Brown Library is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and encouraging environment in which Nicolet College students, faculty, staff, and community members find the resources and support to be successful in their academic career and beyond.

Library Vision

To be a model community college library, recognized within the Wisconsin Technical College System for continually expanding its capabilities and resources, enabling increased access to local and world‑wide information, and encouraging life‑long learning.

About the Library

The library offers the following resources and much more: 

  • reference
  • interlibrary loan
  • research help
  • evaluation of sources
  • technical assistance
  • circulation services
  • quiet study rooms
  • books, dvds, cds, & more!

Don't hesitate to ask for help finding, using or evaluating information. Your questions are not an interruption to what we do, your questions ARE what we do!

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

Nicolet College recognizes the unique, enduring relationships that exist between indigenous peoples and their traditional lands. In doing so, Nicolet College looks to respectfully acknowledge that our institution is located on the traditional homelands of the Potawatomi (Bodwe’ wadomi), Ojibwe” (Anishinaabe’) and Menominee (Omaeqnomene) people and their respective nations.

The story of Native people must be told, understood, and celebrated in order to enrich and enlighten society and to thrive as an inclusive democracy. Confronting the past, while laying the groundwork for a shared future, we believe we can better provide a climate that is welcoming, inclusive, and respectful of Native languages, history, culture, and American Indian learners.

At Nicolet College, we are committed to providing equitable access, accurate historical information, building trust and relationships among our tribal communities, and to advancing the value indigenous knowledge and wisdom holds for today’s society.

Contact Us

Library Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM 4:00 PM