Try these steps if you have trouble accessing databases:
- Check caps lock and number lock.
- Make sure you are using the correct username and password.
- Make sure all popup blockers are off/popups are allowed.
- Try a different browser. Most databases work well with Chrome or Firefox.
- Clear browser history. It is a good practice to clear it multiple times.
- Restart computer.
- Try a different type of device if possible.
- If you are using a link from Brightspace, try COPYING and pasting the link address into the browser's address bar.
- If off campus, look at the beginning of the link address to see if it starts with: If it doesn't, try constructing a complete link with directly in front of the original link address without additional spaces or punctuation. If the link works, you may then have to follow the steps to log in with the proxy.
- Contact the library if the problem persists. Let your instructor that you are waiting for assistance from the library if the library is closed.
For additional tips, check out the Database Access: Troubleshooting guide by the Alfred R. Neumann Library at the University of Houston - Clear Lake.