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Evaluating Information: AI

How to identify appropriate sources for your paper

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is a fairly new but quickly growing technology. Tools such as ChatGPT and Google Bard are easily available and you may use them in your daily life.

However, before using these tools for an academic purpose, you should have a clear understanding about your instructor's expectations and/or assignment requirements. The first step you should take is to review the syllabus for a statement about use of AI for your class. If there is no statement or your instructor's expectations are unclear, ask your instructor before proceeding further. If your instructor does not allow use of AI at all in their class, DO NOT use a tool such as ChatGPT for any part of your assignment or research paper/project.

If your instructor does allow use of AI, be sure to understand the parameters of this use and use a tool such as ChatGPT exclusively within those parameters. For example, your instructor may allow use of ChatGPT to "brainstorm" a topic that will become the basis of your paper, but that the actual content of your paper is your own original writing. In that case, you should not give prompts like "write a paragraph about xyz" to the AI tool. Using AI in a way that your instructor does not allow could be considered academic dishonesty and result in consequences including failing the assignment or class.

Be very aware that AI is an imperfect technology. Do not accept any information obtained by using AI at face value. Always verify with another resource.

Academic writing usually requires neutral and impartial examination of topics, but bias is often present in AI generated information. This is another area in which it is critical that additional resources are consulted to account for and neutralize any bias present.

It is unethical and improper to represent work as your own if it is not. In cases in which it is permissible to use AI to complete your assignment, you should clearly indicate when you are using information or text generated by AI. Advice for citing AI is available for both MLA and APA styles:

See this link for citation in MLA style:

See this link for citation in APA style:

Citation builders

These fairly reliable (but not 100% accurate) citation builders may help you understand and correctly format citations.

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