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Library Resources & Terms of Use: Library Use Terms

Guest Conduct Expectations

Nicolet College Library guests should adhere to the Nicolet College student code of conduct currently found here.

In addition, all library guests should please:

  • Be respectful of all staff and guests, their privacy, and their belongings.
  • Use library furnishings appropriately. Please see library staff with questions.
  • Maintain noise level and behavior that does not interfere with others’ use and enjoyment of the library space and/or the ability of the staff to engage with others or concentrate on their duties. 
  • Refrain from using racist, derogatory, threatening, profane or otherwise objectionable language in the presence of staff or other guests.
  • Not engage in phone calls or conversations that should be private/privileged.
  • Not overly monopolize library resources, including study rooms, computers, or staff, especially when others are waiting.
  • Not leave their belongings unattended.
  • Not actively engage in panhandling or solicitation.
  • Ensure that children under age of 16 are accompanied at all times by a responsible adult who will address and guide their behavior
  • Not enter any office, workspace, or the staff side of the circulation area without permission.

Printing at the Lakeside Center

Printer locations:

  • Near the lakeside exit on the second floor
  • Near the public computer on the third floor

Printing costs: BW printing is $.05 per piece of paper. (Color printing costs up to $.25 per piece of paper.) Printing double-sided saves money and the environment!

How to pay: 

  • Students: Add money to your Papercuts account at the Bookstore
  • Community members: Get a Papercuts account at the Bookstore

About printing capabilities: The printers can print in B&W or color, and can also function as a copier or a scanner. 

Troubleshooting Printing: 

If what you sent to the printer didn't print, check for the following:

  • Look for a flashing light on the printer and make note of the message. 

On the second floor, go to the Information Commons and let the IT help desk staff know what the printer says. On the third floor, go to the circulation station and let the staff know what the printer says.

  • If there isn't a light flashing, then you may not have actually sent the print job.

Return to the computer you were using to see if you forgot to click print/send.

  • If neither of these things are the problem, see the library staff or IT help desk staff for assistance.

Do not log off or shut down your computer until you physically have what you need to print in your hands. Trust us on this.

Contact Us

Library Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM 4:00 PM